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Local Mental Health Resource Booklet

Updated: Apr 13, 2021

“We can’t let social distancing become isolation” – Health Minister Adrian Dix. March 26/20.

If you want to help the seniors you know, call them – just a friendly chat. These are stressful times, a friendly voice can help.

Mental Health Booklets, "We're In It Together" Published by Black Press Media
Mental Health Booklets

A full list of community resources is in the free booklet published by Black Press:

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW- Mental Health, We’re In It Together containing the Greater Victoria 2020 Resource Guide. It is available in some grocery stores or download at scroll down to Special Editions

Anxiety resulting from fear of contracting COVID19, having enough food or social isolation can lead to depression, a feeling of hopelessness. Common symptoms of depression include sadness, loss of interest, feeling confused, difficulty sleeping. If you or someone you know are experiencing any of these symptoms, help is available. Learn more at or


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